Find the Best CT Scan Centre near You

Find the Best CT Scan Centre near You

Helvetia Diagnostics and Healthcare is providing CT Scan in South Delhi . CT Scan or computed topography is a scan that provides images of the human body for medical diagnostic purposes. It is a combination of X rays to create pictures of the interiors of the organs, tissues, bones etc. This is a combination of a series of X Rays that are taken at different angles. These multiple X-ray s provides such accurate details of the insides of the human body, that rarely miss a medical irregularity. These are two dimensional images taken at such angles that it provides a cross section of the interior of the insides of the body. These kind of images are called multi-slices. The CT Scan in South Delhi then stacks up these images to create a three dimensional image. These detailed images allow the radiologist to analyse the insides of the human body in detail, allowing no room for error. Hence it is very important to get the scan done by a highly calibrated and latest machine. These kind of machines allow detail images with high resolution in three dimensional quality.

Helvetia Diagnostics and Healthcare is providing this CT Scan in South Delhi. This is a complete diagnostic centre that is providing all types of radiological imaging along with pathological testing. Radiological imaging includes CT Scan, Ultrasound, X Rays, ECG, Invasive radiology, echocardiography etc. Pathology is that part of medical diagnostics that studies the bodily fluids of the human body and there after determines the reasons for any illness or deficiency and helps provides the cure also. The treating doctor based on the images of the ailing body and the blood testing is able to identify the problem and advise treatment accordingly. A visit to the website at will reveal all the facilities available at the centre and the advantages of the tests there of.